how to craft tnt in minecraft

how to craft tnt in minecraft

How to Craft TNT in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hey, readers! In today’s guide, we’ll dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft and explore the art of crafting TNT, the explosive that’ll make your gameplay go boom!

1. Gather the Essential Ingredients

TNT Crafting Recipe

To craft TNT in Minecraft, you’ll need the following resources:

  • 5 gunpowder
  • 4 sand

Gathering Gunpowder

Gunpowder is obtained by killing creepers, wither skeletons, or ghasts. You can also find gunpowder in loot chests.

Acquiring Sand

Sand is found in abundance near bodies of water. Simply use a shovel to collect it.

2. Build a Crafting Table

To craft anything in Minecraft, you’ll need a crafting table. If you haven’t already, create one by placing four wooden planks in a 2x2 square in your crafting grid.

3. Craft the TNT

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Open the crafting table by facing it and interacting with it.

  2. Arrange the resources in the crafting grid as follows:

    • Place four sand blocks in a square (2x2) in the top-left corner of the grid.
    • Place the gunpowder in the center block of the remaining 2x2 area.
  3. Once the resources are arranged correctly, the TNT recipe will appear in the result box.

  4. Click or drag the TNT into your inventory.

4. Detonating TNT

Lighting the Fuse

To explode TNT, you need to ignite its fuse. There are several ways to do this:

  • Flint and Steel: Right-click or use the action button on the TNT with a flint and steel.
  • Redstone: Connect redstone dust to the TNT and power it with a lever or button.
  • Fire Charge: Shoot a fire charge at the TNT.

Blocks Destroyed by TNT

TNT can destroy most blocks in Minecraft, including dirt, stone, wood, and even obsidian. However, it cannot destroy bedrock.

5. TNT Properties

Basic Stats

  • Blast Radius: 6 blocks in all directions
  • Explosion Power: 4
  • Mob Damage: 70% of a creeper’s explosion

Unique Features

  • TNT can be detonated remotely using redstone or command blocks.
  • TNT can be placed underwater and will still explode, creating a large explosion that can destroy nearby blocks.

6. TNT Applications

Mining and Quarrying

TNT can be used to quickly clear large areas of blocks, making it ideal for mining and quarrying operations.


TNT can be used as a powerful weapon against mobs and players. It is particularly effective for destroying fortifications or taking out groups of enemies.

Trap Making

TNT can be incorporated into traps to protect your base or prank your friends. For example, you can place TNT under a pressure plate to create a deadly explosion when stepped on.

7. Conclusion

Mastering the art of crafting and using TNT in Minecraft opens up countless possibilities for both creative and destructive gameplay. Whether you’re building elaborate structures or engaging in epic battles, TNT is sure to add an explosive touch to your Minecraft experience.

For more Minecraft guides and tips, check out my other articles. Happy crafting and blowing stuff up!

FAQ About How to Craft TNT in Minecraft

How do I gather the ingredients for TNT?

  • Gather 4 sand and 5 gunpowder.

How do I make gunpowder?

  • Combine 5 charcoals and 1 saltpeter in a crafting table.

Where can I find saltpeter?

  • Gathered from chests in abandoned villages, dungeons, and mineshafts.

How do I get sand?

  • Mine desert biomes or gather it from the bottoms of rivers and oceans.

How do I craft the TNT?

  • Place 4 sand in the bottom row of a 3x3 crafting grid and 5 gunpowder in the middle row.

How do I use TNT?

  • Place the TNT block where you want the explosion to occur, then ignite it with a flint and steel, lava, or fire charge.

How does TNT explode?

  • When activated, TNT creates a spherical explosion with a radius of 4 blocks.

Can I contain the explosion?

  • Partially, by placing TNT inside obsidian or water.

Can I prevent the explosion?

  • Yes, TNT’s explosion can be canceled by pushing it into a dispenser.

What is TNT used for?

  • Mining, griefing, creating secret entrances, and activating other mechanisms.
