cheat code for star craft 2

cheat code for star craft 2

Ultimate Cheat Code Guide for StarCraft 2: Unleash Your Inner Strategist

Greetings, Readers!

Welcome to the ultimate guide for unlocking the hidden powers of StarCraft 2 with a comprehensive overview of cheat codes. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a novice looking to dominate the battlefield, this article will provide all the knowledge you need to outsmart your opponents and achieve victory.

Essential Cheat Codes for Every Situation

Resource Management

  • RestartLevel(): Resets the current mission, allowing you to start anew with full resources.
  • ForceResearchAllUpgrades(): Grants immediate access to all upgrades for the selected race, giving you a significant technological advantage.
  • SetResourceXY(X, Y): Modifies the amount of a specific resource (Minerals, Vespene Gas, or Power) to the specified value (X) for player Y.

Unit Manipulation

  • GiveMeAllUnits(): Adds every available unit type to your army, creating an unstoppable force.
  • SpawnUnitXY(UnitType, X, Y, Player): Spawns a specific unit (UnitType) at the coordinates (X, Y) and assigns it to the specified player.
  • KillUnitAtIndex(Index, Player): Eliminates the unit at the specified index (Index) from the player (Player).

Environmental Control

  • SetCameraBounds(X1, Y1, X2, Y2): Adjusts the boundaries of the camera to provide a better view of the battlefield.
  • SetFogOfWar(Player, Hide): Enables or disables the fog of war for a specific player (Player), revealing the entire map.
  • SetUnitVisibility(Unit, Hide): Makes the specified unit (Unit) visible or invisible to the enemy, allowing for stealthy maneuvers.

In-Depth Cheat Code Table

Cheat Code Effect
RestartLevel() Restarts the current mission
ForceResearchAllUpgrades() Grants all upgrades
SetResourceXY(X, Y) Modifies resource amounts
GiveMeAllUnits() Adds all units to army
SpawnUnitXY(UnitType, X, Y, Player) Spawns a unit
KillUnitAtIndex(Index, Player) Eliminates a unit
SetCameraBounds(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) Adjusts camera boundaries
SetFogOfWar(Player, Hide) Enables/disables fog of war
SetUnitVisibility(Unit, Hide) Makes a unit visible/invisible

Tips and Tricks for Effective Cheat Code Usage

  • Use cheat codes sparingly to avoid diminishing the challenge and fun factor of the game.
  • Experiment with different cheat codes to discover their unique effects and create innovative strategies.
  • Combine cheat codes for maximum impact, such as adding all units and then setting their visibility to invisible for a surprise attack.
  • Remember that cheat codes are for personal enjoyment and should not be used in competitive multiplayer modes.


Unlock the full potential of StarCraft 2 with this comprehensive guide to cheat codes. From managing resources to manipulating units and controlling the environment, these powerful commands will empower you to conquer any challenge. For more insights and strategies, don’t miss our other articles on StarCraft 2’s vast universe.

FAQ about Cheat Code for StarCraft 2

How do I enable cheat codes in StarCraft 2?

Answer: To enable cheat codes, press Enter during a campaign mission or custom game and type /cheats on.

What are some of the most useful cheat codes?

Answer: Some popular cheat codes include:

  • black sheep wall: Spawns sheep you can use to block enemy units.
  • power overwhelming: Instantly powers up units to maximum.
  • there is no cow level: Increases the amount of minerals and vespene gas you can gather.

Can I use cheat codes in multiplayer?

Answer: No, cheat codes are only available in single-player missions and custom games.

How do I disable cheat codes?

Answer: To disable cheat codes, type /cheats off into the chat window.

What happens if I use cheat codes in a campaign mission?

Answer: Using cheat codes in a campaign mission will disable achievements and trophies for that mission.

Can I use cheat codes to cheat in StarCraft 2 tournaments?

Answer: No, using cheat codes in tournaments is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification.

What are the risks of using cheat codes?

Answer: While cheat codes can be fun, using them too often can take away from the challenge and enjoyment of the game.

Are there any other ways to get advantages in StarCraft 2 without using cheat codes?

Answer: Yes, you can improve your skills by practicing, watching replays, and learning from experienced players.

What if I encounter a player who is using cheat codes in a multiplayer game?

Answer: If you suspect a player is using cheat codes, you can report them to Blizzard for investigation.
